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2nd Dan | Combinations will be decided by the grading examiner on the day. | Karate-ka may select any one of the following kata:
• Niju-shiho
• Sochin
• Bassai-sho
• Kanku-sho
Examiner may select any kata from list below:
• Bassai dai
• Kanku-dai
• Tekki shodan
• Tekki nidan
• Chinte
• Jitte
• Jiin
• Jion
• Hangetsu
• Empi
The karate-ka may also be asked to explain the meaning of selected kata and application.
Examiner may select any kata from the list below if karate-ka are successful on passing all aspects of the Black Belt grading:
• Kihon
• Heian Shodan
• Heian Nidan
• Heian Sandan
• Heian Yodan
• Heian Godan
• Tekki Shodan | JIYU KUMITE (freestyle sparring)
or female option:
• Self Defence moves against 2 to 4 opponents.
JIYU KUMITE (freestyle sparring)
• Against three consecutive opponents, non-stop. |
1st Dan | Combinations will be decided by the grading examiner on the day. | The examiner may select any Heian Kata(s).
The kareteka may be asked to explain the meaning of the selected kata.
Karateka may select any one of the following:
• Bassai Dai
• Jiin
• Jitte
• Jion
• Tekki Shodan
• Kanku Dai
• Tekki Nidan
• Hangetsu
• Empi
• Chinte | GOHON KUMITE (5 step)
• Jodan
• Chudan
• Mai-geri
• Age-uke
• Soto-uke
• Gedan-barai ––> gyaku-zuki
• Jodan
• Chudan
• Mai-Geri
• Age-uke
• Soto-uke
• Gedan-barai ––> gyaku-zuki
First person does all the attacks right side only, then the other person.
• Jodan
• Chudan
• Mai-geri
• Kekomi
• Age-uke ––> gyaku-zuki
• Soto-uke ––> gyaku-zuki
• Gedan-barai ––> gyaku-zuki
• Double palm block ––> gyaku-zuki
JU-IPPON (semi-freestyle sparring):
First person does all the attacks right side only, then the other person.
• Jodan
• Chudan
• Mai-geri
• Kekomi
• Mawashi-ger
• Ushiro Geri
• Jodan: Age-uke ––> gyaku-zuki
• Chudan: Step to inside ––> downward palm block (osae-uke) ––> gyaku-zuki
• Mae-geri: Step back ––> reverse osae-uke ––> kizami-zuki
• Kekomi: Double palm Block ––> gyaku-zuki
• Mawashi-geri: Step inside ––> palm block ––> gyaku-zuki
• Ushiro-geri: Step forward ––> gedan-barai ––> turn backwards ––> gyaku-zuki Jodan
JIYU KUMITE (freestyle sparring)
or female option:
• Self Defence moves against 2 to 4 opponents.
If the karateka is successful in passing KIHON, KATA and KUMITE then they will be required to perform a selection from kihon and heian kata. |
1st Kyu | Unless stated otherwise all kihon moves are 5 steps forward and 5 steps backwards or forwards again from kamae stance (combat stance).
• Sanbon-zuki
• Uchi-uke ––> empi ––> uraken ––> gyaku-zuki (in zenkutsu-dachi)
• Soto-uke ––> kizami-zuki ––> gyaku-zuki ––> gedan-barai (in zenkutsu-dachi)
• Kizami-zuki (without moving) ––> step forward oi-zuki ––> gyaku-zuki
• Step forward sanbon-zuki ––> step back age-uke ––> gyaku-zuki ––> step forward mawashi-geri (or kekomi or ushiro-mawashi-geri) ––> gyaku-zuki (or oi-zuki) x3 and turn.
• Step forward mae-geri Chudan ––> oi-zuki Jodan ––> gyaku-zuki Chudan ––> step back shuto-uke (in kokutsu-dachi) ––> nukite (in zenkutsu-dachi) ––> step forward kekomi (or mawashi-geri or ushiro-mawashi-geri) from back leg ––> gyaku-zuki (or oi-zuki) x3 and turn.
• Step forward mae-geri Chudan ––> choku-zuki Jodan ––> gyaku-zuki Chudan ––> step back gyaku-zuki (or age-uke, gyaku-zuki or shuto-uke, nukite) ––> step forward mawashi-geri, gyaku-zuki (or kekomi, gyaku-zuki or ushiro-mawashi-geri, gyaku-zuki) x3 and turn.
Other combinations may be requested by the grading examiner, these combinations are just examples.
3 steps forward, turn 3 steps forward or backwards:
• Shuto-uke ––> mawashi-geri (front leg) (both in kokutsu-dachi) ––> nukite (in zenkutsu-dachi)
• Shuto-uke ––> kekomi (front leg) (both in kokutsu-dachi) ––> nukite (in zenkutsu-dachi)
• Shuto-uke ––> ushiro-mawashi-geri (front leg) (both in kokutsu-dachi) ––> nukite (in zenkutsu-dachi)
3 steps forward, turn 3 steps forward:
• Mae-geri ––> mae-geri ––> gyaku-zuki Chudan
• Mae-geri ––> mawashi-geri ––> uraken Jodan ––> gyaku-zuki Chudan
• Mae-geri ––> kekomi ––> uraken Jodan ––> gyaku-zuki Chudan
• Mae-geri ––> ushiro-mawashi-geri ––> uraken Jodan ––> gyaku-zuki Chudan
• Keage (in kiba-dachi) ––> gyaku-zuki (in zenkutsu-dachi) ––> gedan-barai (in kiba-dachi)
• Mae-geri Chudan ––> mawashi-geri Chudan (same leg) ––> gyaku-zuki (or uraken, gyaku-zuki)
• Mae-geri Chudan ––> kekomi (same leg) ––> gyaku-zuki (or uraken, gyaku-zuki)
• Mae-geri ––> ushiro-mawashi-geri (same leg) ––> gyaku-zuki (or uraken, gyaku-zuki)
• Without moving from same leg: mae-geri Chudan ––> mawashi-geri Jodan (both sides)
• Without moving from same leg: mae-geri Chudan ––> kekomi Jodan (both sides)
• Without moving from same leg: mae-geri to front ––> kekomi to side ––> ushiro-geri to rear (all Chudan)
Height of kicks to the ability of the individual. | All of the following:
• Kihon
• Heian Shodan
• Heian Nidan
• Heian Sandan
• Heian Yondan
• Heian Godan
• Tekki Shodan
• Bassai Dai | JU-IPPON (semi-freestyle sparring) – Adults and Juniors:
First person does all the attacks right and left side, then other person.
• Jodan
• Chudan
• Mai-geri
• Kekomi
• Mawashi-ger
• Ushiro-geri
Jodan: Age-uke ––> gyaku-zuki
• Chudan: Step to inside ––> downward palm block (osae-uke) ––> gyaku-zuki
• Mae-geri: Step back ––> reverse osae-uke ––> kizami-zuki
• Kekomi: Double palm block ––> gyaku-zuki
• Mawashi-geri: Step inside ––> palm block ––> gyaku-zuki
• Ushiro-geri: Step forward ––> gedan-barai ––> turn backwards ––> gyaku-zuki Jodan
JIYU KUMITE (freestyle sparring)
or female option:
• Self Defence moves against 2 to 4 opponents. |
2nd Kyu | Unless stated otherwise all kihon moves are 5 steps forward and 5 steps backwards or forward again from kamae stance (combat stance).
• Sanbon-zuki
• Uchi-uke ––> empi ––> uraken ––> gyaku-zuki (in zenkutsu-dachi)
• Soto-uke ––> kizami-zuki ––> gyaku-zuki ––> gedan-barai (in zenkutsu-dachi)
• Kizami-zuki (without moving) ––> step forward oi-zuki ––> gyaku-zuki
• Step forward sanbon-zuki ––> step back age-uke ––> gyaku-zuki ––> step forward mawashi-geri (or kekomi or ushiro-mawashi-geri) ––> gyaku-zuki (or oi-zuki) x3 and turn.
• Step forward mae-geri Chudan ––> oi-zuki Jodan ––> gyaku-zuki Chudan ––> step back shuto-uke (in kokutsu-dachi) ––> nukite (in zenkutsu-dachi) ––> step forward kekomi (or mawashi-geri or ushiro mawashi-geri) from back leg ––> gyaku-zuki (or oi-zuki) x3 and turn.
• Step forward mae-geri Chudan ––> choku-zuki Jodan ––> gyaku-zuki Chudan ––> step back gyaku-zuki (or age-uke, gyaku-zuki or shuto-uke, nukite) ––> step forward mawashi-geri ––> gyaku-zuki (or kekomi, gyaku-zuki or ushiro-mawashi-geri, gyaku-zuki) x3 and turn.
Other combinations may be requested by the grading examiner, these combinations are just examples.
3 steps forward, turn 3 steps forward or backwards:
• Shuto-uke ––> mawashi-geri (front leg) (both in kokutsu-dachi) ––> nukite (in zenkutsu-dachi)
• Shuto-uke ––> kekomi (front leg) (both in kokutsu-dachi) ––> nukite (in zenkutsu-dachi)
• Shuto-uke ––> ushiro-mawashi-geri (front leg) (both in kokutsu-dachi) ––> nukite (in zenkutsu-dachi)
3 steps forward, turn 3 steps forward:
• Mae-geri ––> mae-geri ––> gyaku-zuki Chudan
• Mae-geri ––> mawashi-geri ––> uraken Jodan ––> gyaku-zuki Chudan
• Mae-geri ––> kekomi ––> uraken Jodan ––> gyaku-zuki Chudan
• Mae-geri ––> ushiro-mawashi-geri ––> uraken Jodan ––> gyaku-zuki Chudan
• Keage (in kiba-dachi) ––> gyaku-zuki (in zenkutsu-dachi) ––> gedan-barai (in kiba-dachi)
Height of kicks to the ability of the individual. | • Bassai Dai | JU-IPPON KUMITE (semi-freestyle sparring) – Adults and Juniors:
First person does all the attacks right and left side, then other person.
• Jodan
• Chudan
• Mai-geri
• Kekomi
• Mawashi-geri
• Ushiro-geri
• Jodan: Age-uke ––> gyaku-zuki
• Chudan: Step to inside ––> downward palm block (osae-uke) ––> gyaku-zuki
• Mae-geri: Step back ––> reverse osae-uke ––> kizami-zuki
• Kekomi: Double palm block ––> gyaku-zuki
• Mawashi-geri: Step inside ––> palm block ––> gyaku-zuki
• Ushiro-geri: Step forward ––> gedan-barai ––> turn backwards ––> gyaku-zuki Jodan
JIYU KUMITE (freestyle sparring)
or female option:
• Self Defence moves against 2 to 4 opponents. |
3rd Kyu | Unless stated otherwise all kihon moves are 5 steps forward and 5 steps backwards or forwards again from kamae stance (combat stance).
• Sanbon-zuki
• Uchi-uke ––> empi ––> uraken ––> gyaku-zuki (in zenkutsu-dachi)
• Soto-uke ––> kizami-zuki ––> gyaku-zuki ––> gedan-barai (in zenkutsu-dachi)
• Kizami-zuki (without moving) ––> step forward oi-zuki ––> gyaku-zuki
• Step forward sanbon-zuki ––> step back age-uke ––> gyaku-zuki ––> step forward mawashi-geri (or kekomi or ushiro-mawashi-geri) ––> gyaku-zuki (or oi-zuki) x3 and turn.
• Step forward mae-geri Chudan ––> oi-zuki Jodan ––> gyaku-zuki Chudan ––> step back shuto-uke (in kokutsu-dachi) ––> nukite (in zenkutsu-dachi) ––> step forward kekomi (or mawashi-geri or ushiro-mawashi-geri) from back leg ––> gyaku-zuki (or oi-zuki) x3 and turn.
Other combinations may be requested by the grading examiner, these combinations are just examples.
3 steps forward, turn 3 steps forward or backwards:
• Shuto-uke ––> mawashi-geri (front leg) (both in kokutsu-dachi) ––> nukite (in zenkutsu-dachi)
• Shuto-uke ––> kekomi (front leg) (both in kokutsu-dachi) ––> nukite (in zenkutsu-dachi)
• Shuto-uke ––> ushiro-mawashi-geri (front leg) (both in kokutsu-dachi) ––> nukite (in zenkutsu-dachi)
3 steps forward, turn 3 steps forward:
• Mae-geri ––> mae-geri ––> gyaku-zuki Chudan
• Mae-geri ––> mawashi-geri ––> uraken Jodan ––> gyaku-zuki Chudan
• Mae-geri ––> kekomi ––> uraken Jodan ––> gyaku-zuki Chudan
• Mae-geri ––> ushiro-mawashi-geri ––> uraken Jodan ––> gyaku-zuki Chudan
• Keage (in kiba-dachi) ––> gyaku-zuki (in zenkutsu-dachi) ––> gedan-barai (in kiba-dachi)
Height of kicks to the ability of the individual. | • Tekki Shodan | JU-IPPON (semi-freestyle sparring) – Adults and Juniors:
First person does all the attacks right and left side, then other person.
• Jodan
• Chudan
• Mai-geri
• Kekomi
• Mawashi-geri
• Ushiro-geri
• Jodan: Age-uke ––> Gyaku-zuki
• Chudan: Step to inside ––> downward palm block (osae-uke) ––> gyaku-zuki
• Mae-Geri: Step back ––> reverse osae-uke ––> kizami-zuki
• Kekomi: Double palm block ––> gyaku-zuki
• Mawashi-geri: Step inside ––> palm block ––> gyaku-zuki
• Ushiro-geri: Step forward –– gedan-barai ––> turn backwards ––> gyaku-zuki Jodan
JIYU KUMITE (freestyle sparring)
or female option:
• Self Defence moves against 2 to 4 opponents. |
4th Kyu | Unless stated otherwise all kihon moves are 5 steps forward and 5 steps backwards or forwards again from kamae stance (combat stance).
• Sanbon-zuki
• Uchi-uke ––> empi ––> uraken ––> gyaku-zuki (in zenkutsu-dachi)
• Soto-uke ––> kizami-zuki ––> gyaku-zuki ––> gedan-barai (in zenkutsu-dachi)
• Kizami-zuki (without moving) ––> step forward oi-zuki ––> gyaku-zuki
• Step forward sanbon-zuki ––> step back age-uke ––> gyaku-zuki ––> step forward mawashi-geri (or kekomi or ushiro-mawashi-geri) ––> gyaku-zuki (or oi-zuki) x3 and turn.
• Step forward mae-geri Chudan ––> oi-zuji Jodan ––> gyaku-zuki Chudan ––> step back shuto-uke (in kokutsu-dachi) ––> nukite (in zenkutsu-dachi) ––> step forward kekomi (or mawashi-geri or ushiro-mawashi-geri) from back leg ––> gyaku-zuki (or oi-zuki) x3 and turn.
Other combinations may be requested by the grading examiner, these combinations are just examples.
3 steps forward turn 3 steps forward or backwards:
• Shuto-uke ––> mawashi-geri (front leg) (both in kokutsu-dachi) ––> nukite (in zenkutsu-dachi)
Shuto-uke ––> kekomi (front leg) (both in kokutsu-dach) ––> nukite (in zenkutsu-dachi)
Shuto-uke ––> ushiro-mawashi-geri (front leg) (both in kokutsu-dachi) ––> nukite (in zenkutsu-dachi)
3 steps forward turn 3 steps forward:
• Mae-geri ––> mae-geri ––> gyaku-zuki Chudan
• Mae-geri ––> mawashi-geri ––> uraken Jodan ––> gyaku-zuki Chudan
• Mae-geri ––> kekomi ––> uraken Jodan ––> gyaku-zuki Chudan
• Mae-geri ––> ushiro-mawashi-geri ––> uraken Jodan ––> gyaku-zuki Chudan
• Keage (in kiba-dachi) ––> gyaku-zuki (in zenkutsu-dachi) ––> gedan-barai (in kiba-dachi)
Height of kicks to the ability of the individual. | • Heian Godan | JU-IPPON (semi-freestyle sparring) – Adults and Juniors:
First person does all the attacks - right and left side, then other person.
• Jodan
• Chudan
• Mai-geri
• Kekomi
• Jodan: Age-uke ––> gyaku-zuki
• Chudan: Step to inside ––> downward palm block (Osae-Uke) ––> gyaku-zuki
• Mae-geri: Step back reverse Osae-Uke ––> kizami-zuki
• Kekomi: Double palm block ––> gyaku-zuki |
5th Kyu | Unless stated otherwise all kihon moves are 5 steps forward and 5 steps backwards or forward again from kamae stance (combat stance).
• Sanbon-zuki
• Uchi-uke ––> empi ––> uraken ––> gyaku-zuki (in zenkutsu-dachi)
• Soto-uke ––> kizami-zuki ––> gyaku-zuki ––> gedan-barai (in zenkutsu-dachi)
• Kizami-zuki (without moving) ––> step forward oi-zuki ––> gyaku-zuki
• Step forward sanbon-zuki ––> step back age-uke ––> gyaku-zuki
• Step forward mawashi-geri (or kekomi or ushiro-mawashi-geri) ––> gyaku-zuki (or oi-zuki) (x3 and turn)
• Step forward mae-geri chudan ––> oi-zuki jodan ––> gyaku-zuki chudan
• Step back shuto-uke (in kokutsu-dachi ––> nukite (in zenkutsu-dachi)
• Step forward kekomi (or mawashi-geri or ushiro-mawashi-geri) from back leg ––> gyaku-zuki (or oi-zuki) (x3 and turn)
Other combinations may be requested by the grading examiner, these combinations are just examples.
3 steps forward, turn 3 steps forward or backwards:
• Shuto-uke ––> mawashi-geri (front leg) (both in kokutsu-dachi) ––> nukite (in zenkutsu-dachi)
• Shuto-uke ––> kekomi (front leg) (both in kokutsu-dach) ––> nukite (in zenkutsu-dachi)
• Shuto-uke ––> ushiro-mawashi-geri (front leg) (both in kokutsu-dachi) ––> nukite (in zenkutsu-dachi)
3 steps forward turn 3 steps forward:
• Mae-geri ––> mae-geri ––> gyaku-zuki chudan
• Mae-geri ––> mawashi-geri ––> uraken jodan ––> gyaku-zuki chudan
• Mae-geri ––> kekomi ––> uraken jodan ––> gyaku-zuki chudan
• Mae-geri ––> ushiro-mawashi-geri ––> uraken jodan ––> gyaku-zuki chudan
• Keage (in kiba-dachi) ––> gyaku-zuki (in zenkutsu-dachi) ––> gedan-barai (in kiba-dachi)
Height of kicks to the ability of the individual. | • Heian Yondan | KIHON IPPON – ADULTS: (1 Step)
First person does all the attacks right and left side, then the other person.
• Jodan
• Chudan
• Mai-geri
• Kekomi
Right Side:
• Jodan: Move out to right-Haiwan-uke (in kokutsu-dachi) ––> shuto to neck (in zenkutsu-dachi)
Left Side:
• Jodan: Move out to right (in zenkutsu-dachi ––> left age-uke ––> grab wrist ––> left mawashi-geri
Right Side:
• Chudan: Left leg back ––> soto-uke ––> empi (all in kiba-dachi)
Left Side:
• Chudan: Right leg back zenkutsu-dachi ––> reverse gedan-barai ––> grab wrist ––> left leg mae-geri Chudan – left age-empi to chin.
Right Side:
• Mae-Geri: Right leg back ––> left ude-barai (sweeping block) ––> gyaku-zuki Jodan
Left Side:
• Mae-geri: Right leg back zenkutsu-dachi ––> gedan juji-uke ––> shuto juji-uchi
Right Side:
• Kekomi: Right leg back zenkutsu-dachi ––> double palm block ––> gyaku-zuki Jodan
Left Side:
• Kekomi: Left leg back zenkutsu-dachi ––> soto-uke ––> kizami-zuki Jodan ––> Gedan-zuki Chudan
First person does all the attacks right and left side, then the other person.
• Jodan
• Chudan
• Mai-geri
• Kekomi
• Age-uke ––> gyaku-zuki
• Soto-uke ––> gyaku-zuki
• Gedan-barai ––> gyaku-zuki
• Double palm block ––> gyaku-zuki |
6th Kyu | Unless stated otherwise all kihon moves are: 5 steps forward and 5 steps backwards. All in zenkutsu-dachi unless stated.
• Sanbon-zuki
• Age-uke ––> gyaku-zuki ––> gedan-barai
• Soto-uke ––> gyaku-zuki ––> gedan-barai
• Uchi-uke ––> gyaku-zuki ––> gedan-barai
• Gedan-barai ––> gyaku-zuki chudan ––> choku-zuki jodan
• Gedan-barai ––> gyaku-zuki jodan ––> choku-zuki chudan
• Shuto-uke (in kokutsu-dachi) ––> front leg mawashi-geri (or ushiro mawashi-geri) ––> nukite (in zenkutsu-dachi)
5 steps forward turn 5 steps forward:
• Mae-geri
• Mae-geri ––> mawashi-geri
• Mae-geri ––> kekomi
• Mae-geri ––> ushiro-mawashi
• Keage Chudan (in kiba-dachi) ––> gyaku-zuki (in zenkutsu-dachi) ––> gedan-barai (in kiba-dachi)
• Keage Jodan (in kiba-dachi) ––> gyaku-zuki (in zenkutsudachi) ––> gedan-barai (in kiba-dachi)
All kick heights to the ability of the individual. | • Heian Sandan | KIHON IPPON (1 Step)
First person does all the attacks right and left side, then the other person.
• Jodan
• Chudan
• Mai-geri
• Age-uke ––> gyaku Zuki
• Soto-uke ––> gyaku Zuki
• Gedan-barai ––> gyaku Zuki |
7th Kyu | Unless stated otherwise all kihon moves are 5 steps forward and 5 steps backwards and in zenkutsu-dachi unless stated.
• Oi-zuki Jodan ––> gyaku-zuki chudan
• Age-uke ––> gyaku-zuki chudan
• Soto-uke ––> gyaku-zuki chudan
• Uchi-uke ––> gyaku-zuki chudan
• Gedan-barai ––> gyaku-zuki chudan
• Gedan-barai ––> gyaku-zuki jodan
• Shuto-uke (in kokutsu-dachi) ––> nukite (in zenkutsudachi)
5 steps forward turn 5 steps forward:
• Mae-geri Chudan (from zenkutsu-dachi)
• Mae-geri Jodan (from zenkutsu-dachi)
• Kekomi Chudan (from kiba-dachi)
• Kekomi Jodan (from kiba-dachi)
• Keage Chudan (from kiba-dachi)
• Keage Jodan (from kiba-dachi) | • Heian Nidan | SANBON KUMITE (3 Step)
• Jodan
• Chudan
• Mai-geri
• Age-uke
• Soto-uke
• Gedan-barai ––> gyaku-zuki |
8th Kyu | Unless stated otherwise all kihon moves are 5 steps forward and 5 steps backwards and in zenkutsu-dachi unless stated.
• Oi-zuki Jodan
• Oi-zuki Chudan
• Gyaku-zuki Jodan
• Gyaku-zuki Chudan
• Age-uke
• Soto-uke
• Uchi-uke
• Gedan-barai
• Shuto-uke (in kokutsu-dachi)
5 steps forward turn 5 steps forward:
• Mae-geri Chudan (from zenkutsu-dachi)
• Mae-geri Jodan (from zenkutsu-dachi)
• Kekomi Chudan (from kiba-dachi)
• Kekomi Jodan (from kiba-dachi)
• Keage Chudan (from kiba-dachi)
• Keage Jodan (from kiba-dachi) | • Heian Shodan | GOHON KUMITE (5 Step)
• Jodan
• Chudan
• Mai-geri
• Age-uke
• Soto-uke
• Gedan-barai ––> gyaku-zuki |
9th Kyu | Unless stated otherwise all Kihon moves are 5 steps forward turn and 5 steps forward and in zenkutsu-dachi unless stated.
• Oi-zuki Jodan
• Oi-zuki Chudan
• Age-uke
• Soto-uke
• Uchi-uke
• Gedan-barai
• Shuto-uke (from kokutsu-dachi)
• Mae-geri Chudan (from zenkutsu-dachi)
• Mae-geri Jodan (from zenkutsu-dachi)
• Keage Chudan (from kiba-dachi)
• Keage Jodan (from kiba-dachi) | • Kihon | GOHON KUMITE (5 step)
• Jodan
• Chudan
• Mai-geri
• Age-uke
• Soto-uke
• Gedan-barai ––> gyaku-zuki |
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